Every person is different, but many of my clients have benefited from transformative outcomes:
Richer clarity on what success means to them
Developing action plans to achieve that success
Greater self-awareness, behavior change, and individual growth
With Colleagues
Improved decision-making and other “soft,” but harder, skills
Positive impact on team stress, attitudes, and collaboration
Increased confidence, influence, trust, and performance
More effective leadership strategies and alignment of their teams
Better personal branding and navigation of political minefields
Creating a greater commitment to accountability and results
Martha Legare (MBA, PMP, CMP, ACE & EMCC Coach) is a behavioral scientist who specializes in navigating change and leading in today’s complex business environment.
She has 20+ years experience as leadership coach, organization change consultant, and project management facilitator, working with organizations in a wide variety of sizes and industries.
Her clients appreciate her ability to listen compassionately and guide them in clarifying their goals and developing the plans to accomplish them. Her style is clear, fast, and direct while being supportive of her clients in achieving their objectives.

Having co-founded a retail business, managed a manufacturing plant, coached and consulted for over two decades, Martha’s greatest areas of expertise include:
Coaching – from start-ups to leaders in multi-billion-dollar companies
Risk Analysis
Organization Change (VADES methodology)
Cross-Cultural and Team Dynamics
Project Management, L&D, Strategy, Operations, M&A
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ACE (Accelerating Coach Excellence)
Certified Coach by WBECS
(World Business & Executive Coach Summit)

CMP® Certification
(Prosci’s Change Management Professional)

American Arbitration Association®
Certified Mediator

Leadership Effectiveness Assessment®
(Strategic Planning & 360, certified by MRG)
Kepner-Tregoe® Problem Solving and Decision-Making Certified Instructor
Wiley’s suite of DiSC® assessments:
Everything DiSC Workplace, Management, and Sales, Agile EQ, Productive Conflict, Work of Leaders, 363 for Leaders, Time Mastery, and Coping & Stress
European Mentoring and Coaching Certified Practitioner

PMP® Certification
(PMI’s Project Management Professional)
Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team
(Lencioni-Wiley Assessment)
Denison Culture Assessment® Certified
(ROI-based Culture Assessment)
MBTI® Qualified
(Meyers-Briggs Type Instrument)

Exercising Influence
(Barnes & Conti Certified Instructor)
Client Success Stories
Martha Legare has coached leaders at all levels, from CEOs and Executive Leadership Teams to Project Managers and Individual Contributors. She is comfortable within a wide range of hierarchy and environments, having worked in cross-functionally and with virtually all departments and most industries. The following list represents some of Martha’s engagements:
The VADES Coaching Process
Every person is different, so we can approach our work together as you need it. It can be a short-term one issue or decision you want to resolve, or it can be a longer-term complex goal you want to achieve with numerous accomplishments embedded within.
While I’m a “thought partner,” that usually entails exploring your thoughts rather than offering mine. Although if I have some specific expertise in that area, I’m happy to answer your questions and/ or provide resources. And I have been known to have opinions, if you care.
I developed the VADES organization change model for companies in transition, and have adapted it for more complex situations in individual and team coaching.

Typically, we begin by clarifying what Vision or goals you have, then confirm how they Align with your values and environment. Usually, you’d take an assessment to give us a foundation for discussion of your strengths and what’s important to you. Then we explore possibilities for Designing a plan and a way to Execute it to achieve your goals. Lastly, we would identify any obstacles to your Sustaining that goal and create any reward or habit system needed to support that continued accomplishment.
Although this methodology looks linear, there is always iteration in the process – maybe your goals shift as you gain clarity. Perhaps you recognize one of your values has more, or less, importance as we work together. Something in the environment could alter your situation. We can always modify and respond agilely to change. You are the ultimate decision maker in our coaching relationship.
If you are navigating a current transition or leading in today’s complex environment, contact me for a complimentary conversation to see if we are a fit - Legare@ganttgroup.com.
Who is Martha Legare? - Think "Radical Candor"
I'm a “what you see is what you get” candid person - practical, fascinated by people, and enjoy serving others in accomplishing their desired goals.
Many people have called me "kind," and I disagreed - until I heard the quote, "Clear is kind, unclear is unkind."
The adjectives and quotes below are from a 360 with clients and colleagues; the groupings are mine.
Astutely Discerning:
Intelligent, Quick-witted, Wise, Curious
"Martha can lift the veil on complicated procedures, which helps others determine the best course of action, no matter how challenging the situation."
Positively Extroverted:
Optimistic, Energetic, Outgoing, Enthusiastic
"Martha's always willing to jump in and help with people, time, resources, or ideas. She also has a way of personally connecting that makes you feel like you're the only thing/person that matters in that moment."
Fair & Trustworthy:
Authentic, Honest, Socially-conscious
"I appreciate Martha's honesty and integrity. She sees the joy in life. She is kind and generous and knows how to get things done. I trust her impeccably."
Charmingly Persuasive:
Inspiring, Motivating, Funny, Supportive
"Martha has a natural way to help people understand what's going on and why."
"She is truly an inspiration to others."
Strategic & Collaborative:
Adaptable, Inventive, Creative, Community-oriented, Dynamic
"She can think strategically and visualize the roadmap to obtain the objectives."
"Her greatest strength is communication with diverse groups of people."
Ambitiously Adventurous:
Driven, Organized, Self-motivated, Bold
"Working with a global logistics provider of 60,000 people and designing a corporate PM process was a challenge Martha was more than up to. Her depth of knowledge, and of course her anecdotes, made working with her a joy, as well as very productive."