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Everything DiSC    Workplace


Engage every individual in building more effective relationships at work.

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Everyone in a workplace - regardless of position


To build more productive and effective relationships at work.




Provides an understanding of differences in priorities, preferences, and values between self and others for better collaboration.

When an organization wants to build a common language and culture amongst existing employees and new hires, and when establishing a new team.

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  • The Everything DiSC Difference
    Everything DiSC connects people on a human level delivering “A-ha!” moments that transform workplace environments from individuals with talent into collaborative, thriving cultures. These assessments are: Built on a Strong Foundation of Research and Rigor: Everything DiSC provides a trustworthy assessment with sound psychometric properties, and prioritizes quality by using computer adaptive testing, global norming, and real-world testing. Transformational Learning Experiences: Only Everything DiSC goes beyond the classroom with MyEverythingDiSC, and soon-to-come Catalyst - personalized mobile-friendly tools and platforms that help participants use DiSC every day to connect better with their colleagues in real time. Simple but not Simplistic: Everything DiSC translates an assessment results into their personalized, actionable story that enables behavior change in tangible ways for the participant. Customizable and Flexible: Your organization has unique needs. Everything DiSC offers versatile tailoring elements that allow you to easily design a customized program that’s right for your organization and your time constraints. A new format for specifically for virtual training is available in June! Expertise of a Trusted Advisor: With deep product expertise, Martha Legare and the Gantt Group can help you transform the DiSC Application Suite into impactful and customized solutions that work, earning a 94% satisfaction rating around the globe. Powered by Wiley: Everything DiSC is driven by over 40+ years of assessment-backed expertise and 200+ years of publishing excellence.
  • The Five Behaviors™ of a Cohesive Team
    The Five Behaviors assessment is the result of a partnership between Patrick Lencioni, author of the Five Dysfunctions of a Team (3+ million copies sold) and Wiley Publishing. It’s a team development program designed to improve team effectiveness and productivity through the understanding and applying Trust, Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, and Results. The value-driving differentiators are: Team Development Solutions Unlike Any Other: The framework of Patrick Lencioni’s proven model is combined with personal insights revealed through a personality assessment that empowers team members to make lasting changes that drive business results. Transformational Team Learning: The true power of teamwork is brought to life through a proven, transformational experience using a personalized profile, in-depth facilitation, and follow-up tools to create a one-of-a-kind program to help you build more cohesive and productive teams in your organization. Research-Backed Understanding of Modern Team Dynamics: With a solid investment in developing continuous learning experiences, The Five Behaviors program ensures high-quality solutions that concentrate on the dynamic nature of teams in today’s current workplaces. Proven Satisfaction: Surveys show a 97% satisfaction rating for the experience of teams and organizations. You can be confident that these programs will deliver lasting change in your organization AND satisfy your participants.
  • PXT Select™ - Hiring Done Right
    With 20 years of experience in hiring assessment, the Profiles International pre-employment screening tool was purchased by Wiley. It has since been developed into 5 separate components with a much more extensive library of job descriptions. Benefits include: Select the right people: Choose the most likely person to succeed for depending on the nature of each role and dynamics of the team. Reduce turnover: Make sure that you hire the appropriate person who will be engaged in the job based on their thinking style, behavioral traits and interests. Improve team performance: Performance management is based on data from over 42,00 organizations who have successfully used these assessments. Enhance communication and relationships: Working with information that enables your staff to assess how an applicant will work with a variety of coworkers, managers, or customers, you can use PXT Select to hire and coach people to improve performance. Build the culture you want: PXT Select has the data on what will motivate and interest your new hires to create a culture of openness, growth and care.
Learn More - Workplace

Everything DiSC    Workplace Facilitator Kit



Everything DiSC          Workplace Starter Package



Everything DiSC    Workplace Map


Everything DiSC Workplace Map.jpg

Sample Reports & eBrochures


Workplace® Facilitation Kit Brochure


Workplace® Profile Brochure


Workplace® Sample Report


Workplace® Supplement for Facilitators Sample Report

Everything DiSC Interaction Guide (1).pn
Everything DiSC Facilitator Kit Box.png

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